Some En Notes

I write something here

Some En Notes

I write something here

Farhad is singing an English poet. I like him. His emotions are sad and depressed. May be I like him for this reason. I should go to the office tomorrow and I don't like. You know if I have money I didn't work. Ok, you laugh. But you know some people love their job and they work and work and work for all of their time. for this people work means life. there is no difference between both of them. 

I'm not that or maybe when I'll take a photo or write something I work and live. 

Be Okay my friends.

“We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.” 

همه ما انسانیم مگه نه؟ زندگی هر شخصی ارزشمنده و همینطور نجات زندگیش. 
When I was to my office I decided to resign my job, but I accepted it! You know I like my boss. He has big dreams and good experience and trusts me. It's valuable for me. He is INFJ and perhaps could understand me. But you know I found doing is more important than speaking or have dreams. I think reading and studying is important too. But I know it's important for me not all of people. So I try to change me not other people and learn from other, as always.


“When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.” 

عشق روشیه که باعث میشه دیگران درباره شما متفاوت فکر کنند. بنابراین میتونی احساس آرامش و امنیت داشته باشی.

Today I’m writing late. Sometimes I think idealism is true or realism? Perhaps realism is better than other because if you have this glasses, you will be success finally. Sometimes you should forget your dreams and ideal and work for people that they want. 

It’s hard. Are you ready? I have some situation like it, and I accept and change my dream. But today and tomorrow I say no. I know myself and think I’ll regret it. So I don’t accept this job offer. 

Have a good night.

“Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” 

زندگی همون زمان‌هایی هست که ما در حال برنامه ریزی های دیگه ای هستیم!

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” 
― Mark Twain

دوستان خوب، کتاب های مفید، و وجدان آسوده بار یزندگی ایده آل کافی ان.
مارک تواین

I resigned from my job. You know it was the content creation and manage social media. I like it but it conflicts with my mindset. I can't accept to copy content and published on my website. I think it's content theft.

Anyway, I need money but didn't come back. Google analytics understand and it is very important for site grade. You know some sites which have best and original content put on the first page of Google search engine.

I don't know this strategy is good or not, but I can't do unlike.

Have a good night.

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” 
― Mark Twain

ترس از مرگ به خاطر ترس از زندگیه. اگر کامل زندگی کنیم هر زمانی برای مرگ آماده ایم. 

مارک تواین

“If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there” 
― George Harrison

اگر تو نمیدونی کجا داری میری هر مسیری تو رو با خودش به یک سمت می بره.

Today was good, or it was great. I went to my office and learned something. For example, social media managing. My job is about social media and marketing and content strategy. I hope to grow with an organization. I hope and like it. 

I think Yadaneh idea is great. Actually, it is an educational interface. Like as Corsera or Linda website. 

Furthermore, my article was published on Kanishop website and I'm happy.

Have a good night.

“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.” 
― Markus ZusakI Am the Messenger

بعضی از مردم زیبا هستند، نه به خاطر چهره شون، نه به خاطر کلامشون، بلکه به خاطر اون شکلی که هستند.

“The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.” 
― John GreenLooking for Alaska

بخشیدن تنها راه رهایی از رنج های پیچیده و بغرنج است.