Some En Notes

I write something here

Some En Notes

I write something here

I like Abbass Kiarostami's films. He was a director and screenwriter and photographer. He died in 1395 and unfortunately  I couldn't watch his films and photos earlier. I'm watching them this week. He said I should experience the life then I can make the film. He believed to the life and looked to his around carefully. 

I love three films of him: Certified copy, Closeup and Where is friend's home. I love Snow photo collection.

I like Kiarostami's attitude to the life and the people.

Be smile.

Street photography is learning me how do you love the people, the human with all of their evil attributes! 

I lived 25 years and had many experiences that some of them were forgotten and another still are with me, like as writing, reading, writing letter and photography. 

I love photography special street photography because it's related to human.

I know you are alone and getting tired but I want you to Be continues. 

Now I come back again. I want to write here regularity. I know writing here is important for me and helps my grammar will be better. I'm still depressed but I decided to finish my relationship with my partner and make no mistake. 

You know he disabled his account and I really worry about him but I don't send any message. I'll wish everything is forgotten. I know it was impossible but time is the most strength thing I saw.

Be patient.

Today I studied Meisam Madani's website and he wrote about habits. Generally, he wrote about data science and book reading and computers. In book reading category he said we have some habits that some bodies create in us, for example, marketers or social media experts. We check our mobile or emails or accounts in Instagram, Telegram for many times in a day. They are our habits. And often we don't know how they create?! Perhaps the habits are dangerous and we have to take care of ourselves.

Be good.

Sometimes you ask yourself why do you continue? or why do you decide to choose this way? or maybe it's better you have to stop and think a little! But I think Irvin Yalom has right! He said in his book, Existential psychology, sometimes you should accept some questions are unanswered. You have to learn patience. I agree with him but I often get disturbed and you know it's awful:(

Be patience.
Today I had a therapy by phone with my therapist. That was good. I think I do something for my soul but I'm afraid because a lot of people depend on psychotherapy sessions and they don't believe they should change. They think these sessions are very important but actually, they are important.
I hope to be good and effective.


Today I was upset. too sad. I slept over. And I write and publish my note on the website and read a book.

I think my notes are worse than before. I don't like them. I discussed with my friend who names is Foaad and I like him. He is a good boy and said him I want to change my lifestyle and I think my values and faiths are changed and I should change the themes of my life! I don't know, I hope. Just it.

Be hopeful.

Today I didn't do anything. just writing and reading a new book from Irvin D. Yalom that its name is lying on the couch. It is interesting and I like it. It was a psychologist who wants to create his method and be honest with his patients. 

I sent an email to my friend who I loved him and said Goodbye. I decide this decision so I don't regret. I should do that because I don't want to be like my dad and I want to be free. I don't like to get someone's freedom.

just it.

Be good.

Oh...I met a Venezuela woman yesterday and I speak En with her. I understood what she said but my speaking is awful. It was a great experience for me and I liked it. She sent her email for me. When she found I studied Physics for 6 years she encouraged me and said why didn't I continue it? I said Iran's universities aren't good for research because money is more important than scientific work and I don't like it. She offered me I give grant and travel to another country. But I think it's too difficult and She said if you think It's impossible, that's impossible. She said if you want, you can do it and do it. Don't stop and don't give up. She believed the life is an opportunity and you choose your life. I like her. She studied the Persian language in Dehkhoda Institute and she was a theater teacher and she was 51 years old. I wish best for her.

Be Strong.

Native sites aren't useful for me. I prefer writing here. Today I wrote a comment in Erik Kim's site about why  I make photos?

You know, I don't know what's different between "Take" and "Make" photos. I think "Make" means create photos and "Take" means capture or shoot photos. 

I read Meisam Madani blog, recently. His blog is very professional and he writes about reading and studying. I read one note every day and I hope I read more. 

Be Good.